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 New Hockey App.. Shnarped Hockey!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jevers Posted - 11/07/2012 : 7:57:26 PM
Dustin Sproat asked me to pass along some info on his new Hockey App, Shnarped Hockey (for the IPhone / IPad)...

Hi Cyclones Fans,

I'm writing to let you guys know that the newest version of Shnarped Hockey is now available in the Apple app store. Being an ECHL fan means dealing with a rapidly changing roster, and knowing who the guys are on the ice can be really difficult... I had enough trouble keeping track of guys' names in the dressing room myself!

Shnarped pulls together the best available data about players in all the North American pro leagues and makes it really easy to access on your iPhone or iPad. See a name you don't recognize? Want to see who's on the roster? Pump the team name into our search bar and you'll instantly get their career and recent stats, bio information, and twitter feed. Use it to track the performance of all the new Cyclones, or the ex-Cyclones that have moved up to the AHL.

Better yet, we actually have many of the pros verified on the app. This newest version allows a player to customize their 'stall' with some information they'd like to share with their fans. There are interactive features as well; send a player a 'pound' to tell them you approve of something they've done out on the ice, and behind the pound you can attach a message that gets posted on his wall.

To download the app, search 'Shnarped' in the App store or visit this link...

Are there features you'd like to see improved or added? Are there questions you'd love to see answered in players' stalls? Please share them by posting on this comment board or emailing me personally at

Thanks very much for your support. I really miss Cincy and hope to make it back and catch up with everybody at a game sometime after Christmas.

Dustin Sproat
Cyclones Kelly Cup Champ 2010

Here are some screen shots and such...

Shnarped Hockey Logo

Screen Shot of Dan Eves Stall

Screen Shot of Cyclones Tracking List

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Hockey Posted - 11/07/2012 : 9:40:28 PM
Nice app!

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