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 Las Vegas Wrangler's moving

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pads Posted - 02/19/2014 : 5:50:55 PM
Looking for a road trip or vacation.
Check out today's Las Vegas Review Journal sports hockey.
New venue and smaller arena in downtown LV.
Sorry no link.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 05/27/2014 : 2:50:28 PM
I heard it was going to become a one division Western conference... they oughta do the same for the East
bags Posted - 05/23/2014 : 09:35:41 AM;_ylt=A0SO8wgITX9T0WAAShVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzb2pjYWM4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM5OF8x

Looks like the Wranglers will be taking off next year at least. Back to
only 7 teams in the West !
bags Posted - 05/08/2014 : 07:47:49 AM
CREATED May. 7, 2014
Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) -- The Plaza Hotel & Casino in downtown Las Vegas will no longer be the new home for the Las Vegas Wranglers hockey team.

The Plaza released this statement on Wednesday:

"Everyone at the Plaza Hotel was excited about the prospect of being the new home of the Las Vegas Wranglers. We believed it was a great fit for our property, for downtown, and for the fans. Unfortunately, the Wranglers notified us this morning that the construction of the arena was determined by them to be too costly and they have chosen not to proceed with the project at the Plaza. The Plaza made every effort to accommodate the project and bring the Wranglers downtown, and we are disappointed that the venture is no longer possible. At this time, The Plaza is unaware of what The Wranglers plans are. The Plaza remains committed to the Downtown community and will continue to seek new ventures that will be a benefit to all."

The initial announcement for the Wranglers to play at the Plaza was made back in February when The Orleans said it was not renewing the team's lease.

It's unclear where the Wranglers will now call home.

bags Posted - 04/18/2014 : 10:32:13 PM
Here's another article about the Wrangler's new home for next year. I'll miss Friday's
Cyclone home game but will instead probably be at the Wrangler's home game. Still think
this arena is too small and indicates how bloated their attendance figures were this year.
No way they had a bigger attendance than Cincinnati.
bags Posted - 03/03/2014 : 6:33:54 PM
Latest news on the Wranglers unique new home:
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports ( ) the owners of the Las Vegas Wranglers plan to spend $4 million building a 45,000-square-foot fabric-shell structure containing a hockey rink and seating for 3,500 fans at the Plaza Hotel casino.
bags Posted - 02/21/2014 : 10:46:56 PM
By the way- Wrangler's situation is a current topic in the "Cyclone
Talk" section. Over the years my wife and I have gone to about 15
Wrangler games. This year their team is horrible (saw them 2-14)!!
They plan on having a new 3500 seat arena downtown (Fremont Street)
at the Plaza next season. Thanks for the interest and this is the section
the topic should be in.

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