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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jevers Posted - 01/08/2009 : 11:44:10 AM
What is this forum, you ask? Well... every so often there is a "flare up" of heated "discussion" back-and-forth between opposing fans (on various topics). At some point, these messages get "tiresome" to read. So.. I've created this Forum to move those "type" messages over to. This way, if you don't want to read these messages, DO NOT USE THIS FORUM.

I try to give everyone a fair chance at airing their opinions. (be they right or wrong) So, this was the best thing I could come up with that will hopefully "please" both "sides".
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jevers Posted - 01/09/2009 : 01:55:56 AM
But... even though this is a "separated" forum, PLEASE still follow the posting guidelines... This is NOT a "free-for-all". KEEP it civil.
hrc666 Posted - 01/09/2009 : 01:15:14 AM
jevers, you have come up with a winner.

Those who get upset with certain type of postings are shielded and those who wish to venture into FACEOFF are aware that it may not be to their liking.

richcrich Posted - 01/08/2009 : 5:25:41 PM
A few bad apples have to bang the glass and show that they are "true" fans. Just dont pay them any attention here or at the games
Puckhead60 Posted - 01/08/2009 : 12:47:18 PM
Bad idea, you're just encouraging them. We don't need all the "Cyclones are folding!" garbage on this site.
Susan Posted - 01/08/2009 : 12:45:12 PM
Thanks Jim for this. In my opinion, those who post on here that want to "slam" others can do so without the rest of us getting upset over something that's inconsequential.

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