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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dbc Posted - 10/18/2014 : 1:33:51 PM
Two transactions on 10/17. Joe Howe signs a tryout with Fort Wayne and for those of you old enough to remember his dad, Tyler Biggs assigned to Orlando by Toronto. The former first round draft pick from Cincinnati has had a tough go of it in his 3 years as a pro after one year at Miami. Most expected him to be at the NHL by now and instead he is sent down to Orlando. A good overview from the Toronto Star last summer after the AHL Playoffs:
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dbc Posted - 11/03/2014 : 08:52:07 AM
Biggs recalled to Toronto Marlies
Susan Posted - 10/28/2014 : 12:34:25 PM
Interesting news & thanks for the level headed comment Don. I agree with you about the passion. If it's not there, then... Maybe being sent down to this league will 'knock' some sense into Tyler. I always want former Cyclones & that now includes kids of former players to do well.
Donnie Hockey Posted - 10/19/2014 : 8:48:24 PM
Originally posted by bags

As much as we would love to see him here, glad Tyler won't have to face
the added pressure of playing here with his father's old fans. Could you
imagine trying to get your game together and seeing your father's jersey
hanging in the rafters. November 13th is first time playing Orlando here.

There wouldn't be any pressure if he were assigned to Cincinnati. There are only a few hundred fans that saw his father play that regularly attend the games and the media isn't around the team on a daily basis. After 3-4 media interviews upon joining the team, he'd be left alone and would be able to just play hockey.

Work ethic was said to be an issue last year. He didn't play hard and compete on a nightly basis. If he wants to keep it on cruise control, he'll go down as a first-round bust. If he dials it up a notch and plays with the kind of fire and passion his father had, then he still has a shot at making it to the NHL. He's only 21, so time is still on his side. But the clock is ticking.
bags Posted - 10/19/2014 : 07:28:20 AM
As much as we would love to see him here, glad Tyler won't have to face
the added pressure of playing here with his father's old fans. Could you
imagine trying to get your game together and seeing your father's jersey
hanging in the rafters. November 13th is first time playing Orlando here.
Donnie Hockey Posted - 10/18/2014 : 11:16:28 PM
Going to Orlando will be good for Tyler Biggs. He'll get the ice time he wasn't going to get in the AHL and play in all situations.

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