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 End of the Cincinnati Gardens

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bags Posted - 06/26/2016 : 10:20:33 AM

CINCINNATI – Cincinnati Gardens, a long-time sporting and event venue, is set to be demolished this year to make way for nearly 300 proposed manufacturing jobs in a new deal inked this week.

The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority on Wednesday approved a contract to acquire the property, located at 2250 Seymour Ave. in Bond Hill, for $1.75 million. The 19-acre site will be repurposed, its leaders said, for future light manufacturing.


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Hockey Posted - 07/02/2016 : 09:16:25 AM
Cincinnati Gardens had a long run for a sports and entertainment venue. Sixty-seven years is a long time. Riverfront Stadium only lasted 32 years. A lot of notable and memorable events took place at Cincinnati Gardens. There's a lot of history there. It's okay to respect history, but you can't revere it. You always have to look towards the future.

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