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 Bob Boughner possible Florida coach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bags Posted - 06/11/2017 : 04:32:09 AM

Looks like old IHL player Bob Boughner might get his first chance at
an NHL Head coaching job.
"According to a report from TSN’s Bob McKenzie on Saturday morning, the Panthers are closing in on a deal (“barring any last minute hiccups”) to make Bob Boughner the team’s next head coach.

Boughner, 46, was most recently an assistant coach on Peter DeBoer’s staff with the San Jose Sharks. Prior to joining the Sharks Boughner was a successful head coach in the Ontario Hockey League with the Windsor Spitfires where he helped guide the team to a pair of Memorial Cup championships and was twice named the league’s coach of the year."

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